Saturday 17 October 2015

Editing (Part I )

Hi guys!

This post here I will dedicate to talk a bit more about myself as I've promised previously.

Why Film Production?

To be honest I don't really like when people ask me certain questions because is always difficult to elaborate an answer even that deep inside I know, of course, why I have chosen  Film Production as my career.
So I am going to start from: What was my inspiration instead ok? Without surrounding too much.

Harry Potter.
For ones that are reading can sound silly but yes, my inspiration was Harry Potter.
I'm not going to lie that, at the beginning my aim was to be an actress but as the years went by I became even more interested about the "Behind the cameras".
How did they make those films ?  How could they make all that magic happen? Who was behind it? How it is to make part of a film crew?

I have started to realise that,more than an actress, more than making myself appear in the big screen, I wanted to know WHAT did you have to do to make a good film.

 I think there's nothing more pleasurable than having your own work shown to millions of people . Even knowing that it is only for 2 or 3 hours,but you made something to make them enjoy it. And this is what I like: to make people happy as well as myself. That's when Editing comes in.
We (and yes I am already including myself lol ) are the biggest responsables to give the material of what you are going to see. The director can command the cinematographer to make a shot. Good or bad, at the end is us who makes the perfect sequence of scenes or make a bad shot become a reasonable one.

With 13 years of age I was using my spare time to make slide of pictures with a cutie soundtrack in the background using the Movie Maker software. After that I have started to include some short films between the images. After a few years time I was calling friends to go out just to randomly film around random places doing random stuff. I was random !
I have dowloaded Sony Movie Software, Adobe Premier and started to make my videos from there. Back in Brazil I even had my own Production company called YOLO which one of the videos you can see down bellow :

Video made in Brazil with my friend Michelle. 

And now here I am at University doing something that I really enjoy doing it. I can't see myself anywhere else but exactly where I am now and also could have stayed here for hours typing my path but you really don't want to read all this,do you? Maybe one day I can make a film about it.

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